Camu camu can be found in the Amazon rain forests of Peru and Brazil. This wonderful fruit contains serine, thiamin,leucine, valine,calcium, beta-carotene, potassium, iron, phosphorus, protein, niacin and vitamin C. Record shows that Camu camu has more vitamin C than every other food in the planet.
It is anti-viral.
It is high in anti- oxidants.
It is an effective and safe anti depressant.
It provides arthritic protection.
It is very effective against all forms of the Herpes virus.
It strenghtens the immune system.
It protects against every liver disorder you can think of, including liver cancer.
It supports optimal function of the nervous system.
Camu camu is one of the 174 natural ingredients in TREVO.
You can reach Ola on 08127086233 if you interested in buying or making money from Trevo...
No b joke oh..I have started getting my dollar alerts!..*grinning in dolars*...